Erasmus +
Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030

Erasmus + (591986-EPP-1-2017-1-BE-EPPKA2-SSA-B)
January 2018 – December 2021
Total European Commission grant:
Max. € 3.980.790
The Consortium:
4 sectors with 21 partners in 9 EU Member States: 3 EU Industry Confederations, 1 Qualifications Recognition Body, 1 Tripartite body, 3 Bipartite bodies, 5 VET providers, 4 Universities, 1 Lifelong learning centre, 2 Companies, 1 Expert
- View Newsletter 1
- View Newsletter 2
European Apparel and Textile Confederation
- Website:
- Address: Rue Montoyer 24, Bte. 10, 1000 Brussels (Belgium)
European Footwear Confederation
- Website:
- Address: Square de Meeûs 37, 1000 Brussels (Belgium)
Project description
The overall aim is to enhance the modernisation and competitiveness of the EU Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear ( TCLF ) sectors through the development of a sustainable upskilling and reskilling strategy, which is supported by a communication campaign to attract social, economic and political actors. The TCLF Skills Strategy will include the identification of best practices in VET education programmes and initiatives, an assessment of future skills needs and shortages, and the creation of relevant VET profiles and curricula addressing the opportunities of digitalisation, a low carbon economy and key enable technologies. The communication campaign will promote education and employment opportunities in these reinvigorated sectors, and pursue the establishment of private-public partnerships committed to their growth.
Concrete objectives
- To identify actions and tools to anticipate and supply the skills needed in TCLF sectors.
- To create a network of VET providers, public authorities, and other stakeholders working together on skills development for the modernisation and growth of these sectors.
- To enhance the attractiveness of the sector to engage newcomers, families, companies, employees, and policy-makers.
- To engage regions and private stakeholders promoting skills and innovation in TCLF sectors to ensure the project outcome ’ s sustainability
Main Expected Outcomes
- A TCLF Skills Strategy to anticipate skills needs and deliver innovative education.
- A strong community of TCLF public and private stakeholders working together to ensure continuous skills development and job creation
- Enhanced attractiveness of the TCLF sectors to potential workers.
- 8 new transnational VET profiles and respective curricula and training programmes focused on digitalisation, sustainability and Key Enabling Technologies to address companies ’ needs and global opportunities.
- A virtual EU Fashion Campus that will gather the project’ s outcomes and connect all TCLF stakeholders to enhance TCLF skills excellence for industrial innovation in EU.