22 June 2022 — Press Releases

A Network of EU Regions supporting TCLF education and lifelong learning. Working together towards a TCLF Pact for Skills

A Network of EU Regions supporting TCLF education and lifelong learning. Working together towards a TCLF Pact for Skills

The Erasmus+ Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030 Blueprint project approaches its end, but this does not mean that the EU TCLF skills journey is over. On the contrary, the consortium has established the grounds to enhance private-public skills collaboration across Europe thanks to both, the EU Network of TCLF VET providers promoting excellence, and the EU Network of TCLF regions supporting TCLF VET modernisation and lifelong learning. On the 31st May, the latest online workshop organised by CEC, proved the added value of these networks, which members came together to learn from each other’s best practices on skills public-private collaboration. The overall objective of this joint effort is to ensure TCLF modern education and training systems that can attract workers to TCLF studies and careers, and rapidly respond to companies fast-changing skills’ needs.

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