25 September 2022 — News

An attractive and engaging footwear education through Serious Games – The first Erasmus+ ShoeGAME Newsletter is out!

Since 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to maintain physical distancing, and even confinement, accelerated the development of digital teaching tools and methods, and education centres had to reinvent themselves and adapt. Not all students welcomed the replacement of physical classes by virtual because usually the latter ones require a higher level of attention and facilitate distractions. In this context, the use and development of a virtual and innovative learning tool such as the serious games grew in attention: it was more successful engaging and entertaining students while maintaining the attention of students during online classes.

But what is a serious game? Can such a tool support the renovation of the footwear sector?

What is a serious game?
ShoeGame: a serious game for the footwear industry
The project activities so far

Read the Newsletter HERE.


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