8 April 2019 — Press Releases
Another successful World Footwear Congress!

The sixth edition of the World Footwear Congress took place on 4-5 April 2019 in Naples, Italy, located in one of the European regions with a higher footwear industry representation. Under the topic “Digitalisation for a sustainable footwear industry”, high-level speakers shared their best practices and experiences among the worldwide footwear community, such as business, associations, technical and education centres, policy makers, and journalists in Naples.
During these two days, participants of the World Footwear Congress 2019 had the opportunity to analyse the challenges and the opportunities of a fast-digital society and economy driven by a
knowledgeable consumer searching for the right product. We addressed sustainability and digitalisation as revolutionary drivers of our industry with a particular focus on what they meant for
the consumer, the manufacturer and the retailer.