15 April 2024 — Joint Statements, News, Press Releases

CEC co-signed Joint European Industry Manifesto for Relaunching European Competitiveness

CEC has joined forces with 85 others European and national industry associations to publish the European Industry Manifesto “Relaunching European Competitiveness”. The Manifesto calls against the risk of de-industrialisation on our continent by relaunching Europe’s competitiveness.

The EU enters a new policy cycle at a challenging time, with technology and geopolitics acting as global disruptors, adding pressure to an already difficult economic situation. Now is the time to start building a strategic plan that unlocks the Single Market’s full potential and builds a regulatory environment for Europe industry to remain globally competitive.


  1.  Reposition Europe as global leader in tradeThe success of Europe’s trade policy is connected to a smart regulatory environment that consolidates our Single Market, allowing for deeper economic integration and creating a platform for EU companies to remain competitive beyond EU borders.
  2. Embracing a horizontal approach to EU Single Market and competitiveness > Preserving the integrity of the Single Market and supporting its completion is essential to relaunch Europe’s competitiveness and its ability to succeed the green and digital transition.
  3. Building a joined-up strategy to boost value chain resilience, protecting jobs and consumers > Economic growth, digitalisation and environmental protection go hand in hand in achieving the green and digital transition. We need a joined-up strategy.
  4. Bridging the innovation gapCooperation between industry and public authorities needs to be much tighter to fill the innovation gap between the EU and global competitors.
  5. Nurturing talents and skillsSkill shortage risks jeopardizing Europe’s ability to go green and digital. The EU must implement policies that bolster vocational training and strengthen education, reskilling and upskilling the working population.

Download the European Industry Manifesto – Relaunching Competitiveness

The success of Europe’s trade policy is directly connected to a smart regulatory environment that consolidates our Single Market. This again points to the importance of ensuring a level playing field; the regulatory framework needs to be respected by all EU- and non-EU products and for that we need more market surveillance and customs controls.”

said Carmen Arias, CEC Secretary General