20 July 2023 — News, Projects


The three years Erasmus+ Digital FabLab project is coming to an end and the expected outcomes are almost completed. The Digital FabLab created by the consortium and composed of joint international learning-by-doing courses using augmented reality tools is now available on the project website for teachers and student to use!

Together with the course for teachers on how to develop innovative and attractive content in augmented reality, and a common methodology course for teachers and trainers on how to teach using tools based on augmented reality, project partners wanted to contribute to the introduction of engaging, more dynamic and interactive learning methods for students and teachers. In order to give you a deeper insight on the obtained results, the newsletter focuses on the piloting process and impressions received by participants involved in Portugal and Spain.

Read the newsletter here!


The Digital FabLab project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.