Digital FABLAB

Project duration:
March. 2021 – July 2023
Total European Commission grant:
€ 281 581
The Consortium
- Centro Tecnológico do Calçado de Portugal -CTCP (Portugal)
- European Footwear Confede-ration — CEC (Belgium)
- Instituto Tecnológico del Cal-zado y Conexas – INESCOP (Spain)
- Politecnico Calzaturiero (Italy)
- Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi—TUIASI (Romania)
- Łukasiewicz Institute of Lea-ther Industry (Poland)
- Hearthands Solutions Ltd. (Cyprus)
CTCP – Centro Tecnológico do Calçado de Portugal
Rua de Fundões – Devesa Velha
3700-121 S. João da Madeira
CEC — European Footwear Confederation
Square de Meeûs 37
1000 Brussels (Belgium)
DigitalFABLAB – Footwear virtual learning by doing
Background and Project Description
In 2019, the European Footwear industry employed more than 278 000 people in more than 21 000 companies. European footwear companies are mainly SMEs and their devel-opment strategies are based on high-quality products, craftsmanship, flexibility, product differentiation and added-value. Being a manufacturing-intensive industry, know-how and skills are central to its global success. Currently, about 35% of the workforce is above 50 years old, making it a necessity to attract motivated and qualified young talents. In paral-lel, Covid-19 has had a profound and long-lasting impact on Vocational Education & Train-ing (VET) provision. New, innovative VET practices must be taken up to attract new profes-sionals, reduce the skills gap between Education and Work, and adapt to a highly digital-ized world.
By simulating real-world experiences in a fully digital FabLab, the project will build on lat-est technologies to develop learning-by-doing tools and teaching material that will offer a stimulating experience to students and help them acquire the right skills to produce quali-ty footwear from anywhere in Europe.
• Create a free, entirely digital FabLab using Augmented Reality to teach and learn prac-tical footwear manufacturing skills.
• Elaborate a joint international digital course, certified at National level and recognised at EU level for the development of practical skills in footwear manufacturing.
• Train VET teachers, trainers and coaches on how to implement digital learning-by-doing strategies to guarantee that such tools are well-understood and blended into learning programmes to their full capacity.
• Establish a network of European VET providers committed to delivering the most ad-vanced digital practical training in footwear manufacturing.
Expected Outcomes
• A virtual Shoe Fab Lab using Augmented Reality
• A course for teachers on how to develop innovative and attractive content in AR
• A joint international learning-by-doing course using Augmented Reality tools.
• A common methodology course for teachers /trainers on how to teach using tools based on Augmented Reality.