17 November 2017 — Press Releases
Fit2Com to launch pilot on comfortable fashion footwear course
The Erasmus+ Fit2Com project, which aims to create a new qualification profile and training on comfortable fashion footwear, will launch a pilot exercise to test the course contents in early 2018.
This will be a decisive step in filling the skills and competences gap in comfortable and healthy footwear for the fashion industry, which is experiencing a strong consumer’s demand for comfortable and beautiful shoes.
On 7 and 8 November 2017, the partners of the Erasmus + Fit2Com project met in Madrid to take stock of the outputs achieved so far and to kick-off preparations for the pilot exercise, which will test, refine and validate the course contents to be completed soon. The course will provide essential knowledge on incorporating health and comfort features in the manufacture of footwear designed for the fashion sector.