
Project duration:
November 2015 – October 2018
Total European Commission grant:
819.484 €
The Consortium:
Centro Tecnológico do Calçado de Portugal (Portugal), European Footwear Confederation (Belgium), Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria de Calçado (Portugal), Agência Nacional para a Qualificação eo Ensino Profissional (Portugal), Instituto Tecnológico del Calzado y Conexas (Spain), Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte (Spain), Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași (Romania), Institutul National De Cercetare Dezvoltare Pentru Textile Si Pielarie (Romania), Centrul Naţional de Dezvoltare a Învătământului Profesional (Romania), ISC International Shoe Competence Center Pirmasens gGmbH (Germany), Zentralstelle für Berufsbildung im Handel e.V. (zbb) (Germany), BBS Pirmasens (Germany), IED Madrid (Spain)
CTPC – Centro Tecnologico de Calcado de Portugal
- Website:
- Address: Rua de Fundões – Devesa Velha, 3700-121 S. João da Madeira, Portugal
Fit to Comfort – Skills Alliance for comfort & healthy footwear manufacturing
The project aimed to create, pilot, and certify a new qualification profile and corresponding ICT and work-based training to address the identified skills and competences gap in comfort and healthy footwear. With longer life expectancy, adequate healthy footwear can prevent back and foot pain throughout one ’s life, resulting in growing demand for healthy and comfortable footwear. Moreover, consumers of all ages increasingly demand comfortable shoes that also incorporate fashion trends. By creating a qualification specialised in healthy and comfortable footwear, the project has increased competitiveness, entrepreneurship, and employability in this sector while satisfying consumers ’ needs.
Achieved Results
- Evidence based research on training needs/opportunities on comfort & healthy footwear
- New qualification profile “Expert in Comfort & Healthy Footwear Manufacturing”
- Training programme on Comfort & Healthy Footwear Manufacturing
- Learning Units’ Contents – pedagogical material: This output consists in the contents for the learning units on Comfort & Healthy Footwear Manufacturing within the necessary standard to be introduced in the e-learning platform.
- b-learning course on Comfort & Healthy Footwear: it aims at developing skills and competences on the field of action and is targeted to the new occupational profile described above. In addition, some units of the course can be addressed to key-people in companies that lack the correspondent skills and competences, needed to improve the work of the new expert indoor. A demo and an user guide will be available. Training the trainers materials could be accessed here.
- Manual for trainers / tutors
- Feed-back report on Piloting
- Prototypes of comfort & healthy footwear
- Dissemination & Exploitation Plan
- Quality Assurance Plan
- Evaluation Plan
- Profile and training recognized and certified