31 May 2018 — News

If you provide training on Footwear, join the project “Skills4Smart TCLF”

The CEC invites all the organisations and education centers providing training courses in the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear sector to participate in the project “Skills4Smart TCLF 2030 Blueprint“.

With the objective to enhance the modernisation and competitiveness of the EU Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) sectors, the CEC together with the other 2 EU sectoral organisation, i.e. COTANCE (European Leather Confederation) and EURATEX (European Apparel and Textile Confederation) and other relevant TCLF stakeholders, is participating in this project under the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme.

The project aims to develop an upskilling and reskilling strategy that will include the identification of best practices in Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes and initiatives, an assessment of future skills needs and shortages, and the creation of relevant VET profiles and curricula.

In the context of the first phase of the project, a database is being created in order to map all the relevant educational training providers of TCLF in Europe. Gathering this information will allow newcomers, companies and workers to have a clear vision of the different locations and institutes where to study, promoting learning mobility and cooperation between education providers.

The Blueprint network of VET providers, public authorities and other relevant stakeholders will work together on skills development for the modernisation and growth of these sectors while enhancing as well their attractiveness.

If you are interested in joining us, please leave us your data: the form is available in EnglishFrench, Italian and Dutch.