28 January 2019 — Press Releases
Join us at the World Footwear Congress 2019!
Registration to the sixth edition of the World Footwear Congress is now open! Footwear stakeholders are invited to join the debates in Naples on 3rd -5th April 2019. This is an excellent venue for professionals of the footwear industry to learn about the latest changes and opportunities that companies can benefit from in a fast-changing economy and society.
The European Footwear Confederation is pleased to announce that registration to attend the 6th edition of the World Footwear Congress 2019 is now open! This edition will focus on the topic “Digitalisation for a sustainable footwear industry” and will bring together high-level international speakers and experts to discuss digitalisation and sustainability, and what they mean for the future of the footwear sector. In addition to key notes speeches and roundtables, the programme will also give the opportunity to the attendants to visit local footwear factories.
Attendants can already register by filling the form on the dedicated website of the World Footwear Congress 2019. Do NOT miss the opportunity to be part of this international event and participate in the discussions of footwear industry leaders from around the world!
For more information, visit http://www.worldfootwearcongressnaples2019.com