
Erasmus+ (2015-1-RO01-KA203-015198)
Project duration:
September 2015 – September 2018
Total European Commission grant:
444.482 €
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași
- Website:
- Address: Bd. D. Mangeron no. 67, 700050 Iași (Romania)
Knowledge Platform for Transferring Research and Innovation in Footwear Manufacturing
In a context of European footwear manufacturing vulnerability to globalisation and inter-national competition, the project Knowledge4Foot aimed to focus on increasing the added value of European footwear by enhancing the research and development skills of workers. Specifically, the project aimed to create a curriculum and platform for internships/project-based learning, which allows interns to transfer their acquired skills and know-ledge to the footwear sector.
· A study on project-based training in HE study programmes
· A common curriculum and course content for internships and project-based training & text book for a summer training course
· Guidelines for project-based training
· Knowledge4Foot Platform
· Promotional/communication materials, workshops, scientific papers, & final conference
The final conference of Knowledge4Foot project had the aim of presenting the project results and outputs, as well the experiences and good practice of implementing this project. The event took place on the 11th July, in Bucharest and was organised by INCDTP – Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentruTextile si Pielarie and targeted professionals from the footwear industry, students, experts in higher education and professional training.