20 December 2022 — Press Releases, Projects


An ambitious Erasmus+ project has just started to prepare footwear companies and technicians for what will become their factory of the future. Shoe 5.0, as officially named, was launched on the 14th of December 2022 by the project partners’ Capital Humano Edit Value (Portugal), European Footwear Confederation – CEC (Belgium), Centro Tecnológico do Calçado de Portugal– CTCP (Portugal), Centro Tecnológico del Calzado deLa Rioja (Spain), Politecnico Calzaturiero (Italy), Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi—TUIASI (Romania).

The project follows the concept of Society 5.0 first proposed by the Japanese government. The concept places at the centre of technology development, the society as a whole rather than the industry. Therefore, the project aims at preparing footwear workers for the next phase of industrialisation. The approach is people-centred and serves the transition to a sustainable and competitive European industry.

To learn more about the progress of the Erasmus+ Shoe 5.0 project, read the full press release HERE!


The Shoe 5.0 project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.