13 November 2024 — News, Press Releases, Projects
Matching Education to Industry needs: MetaSkills4TCLF Project Paves the Way for Green and Digital Innovation in TCLF

On November 6th and 7th, representatives from the private and public entities in 11 European countries — Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Spain, and Ukraine — came together in Iasi, Romania, to propel the innovative Erasmus+ Blueprint MetaSkills4TCLF project. This initiative, co-funded by the European Union, tackles a critical challenge: equipping the textile, clothing, leather, and footwear (TCLF) industries with the skills necessary to excel in a world driven by green innovation and digital transformation. Through the development of an EU TCLF skills strategy, the international consortium aims to bridge vital skills gaps and build dynamic, future-ready education systems across Europe.
At the prestigious 19th Romanian Textiles and Leather Conference (CORTEP 2024), where the latest scientific research in the TCLF industries was showcased, the MetaSkills4TCLF consortium presented their initiatives designed to bolster TCLF vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE) across Europe. The project aims to empower VET and HE centres with six innovative curricula focused on the Circular Economy and Digitalisation of the Fashion Industry, accompanied by immersive educational resources. These resources include immersive virtual reality (VR) experiences, allowing students to explore TCLF factories virtually, and the creation of a European Virtual Fashion Campus, which will serve as an informative and educational hub for the TCLF industries.
To address the challenges posed by the ageing TCLF workforce, the project includes a dynamic promotional campaign aimed at attracting young people to careers in the TCLF sectors. Activities range from school orientation events, holiday courses, and company open days, to an international fashion contest for TCLF students and interactive promotional events for pupils in middle and high school.
Public authorities play an essential role in shaping education systems, particularly within regions with decentralised responsibilities in education. To strengthen these systems and ensure a skilled workforce, project partners are working on establishing Pacts for Skills, public-private skills partnerships, at both national and regional levels. Throughout the project, public authorities, social partners, and education institutions across Europe will be guided in the development of their respective Pact, as well as invited to participate in webinars and workshops to explore project activities, share best practices, and jointly work and learn from each other.
In this regard, Carmen Arias, Secretary General of the European Footwear Confederation (CEC) explained: “Skills supply and demand should be built on local/regional expertise and needs to guarantee more resilience and growth of TCLF companies but also regions. For that purpose, a regular dialogue between public authorities, social partners and education centres under a regional Pact for Skills can make a difference in strengthening regional competitiveness.”
Discover how you can get involved in this groundbreaking project by following us on LinkedIn and Instagram or subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates on our initiatives and progress. Join us in transforming skills for a sustainable and digital future in Europe’s TCLF industries!