
Reference code:
01 September 2023 – 31 August 2026
€3 999 986
The consortium:
- Centro Tecnológico do Calçado de Portugal – CTCP (Portugal)
- European Confederation of the Footwear Industry – CEC (Belgium)
- Assoc Port Industriais Calcado Componentes Artigos Pele E Seus Sucedaneos – APICCAPS (Portugal)
- Confederation des Associations Nationales des Tanneurs et des Megissiers de la Communaute Europe – COTANCE (France)
- European Apparel and Textile Confederation – EURATEX (Belgium)
- Politecnico Calzaturiero – Policalz (Italy)
- PIN – Servizi Didattici e Scientifici Per l’Universita di Firenze (Italy)
- Universita Degli Studi di Firenze – UNIFI (Italy)
- Centro Tecnológico das Industrias Textil e do Vestuario de Portugal – CITEVE (Portugal)
- Associacao Textil e Vestuario de Portugal – ATP (Portugal)
- SPIN 360 (Italy)
- Instituto Technologico del Calzado y Conexas – INESCOP (Spain)
- Universidad de Lleida (Spain)
- Associacio Leather Cluster Barcelona (Spain)
- Conselleria de Education, Cultura y Deporte (Spain)
- Universitatea Tehnica Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi – TUIASI (Romania)
- Centrul National de Dezoltare a Invatamantului Profesional Si Tehnic – CNDIPT (Romania)
- Pruf und Forschungsinstitut Pirmasens – PFI (Germany)
- Filk Freiberg Institute (Germany)
- Hellenic Clothing Industry Association – HCIA (Greece)
- Confindustria Moda – Federazione Italiana Moda e Accessorio (Italy)
- Institut Textile et Chimique de Lyon (France)
- Boras Kommun (Sweden)
- Ukrainian Association of Light Industry – Ukrlegprom (Ukraine)
- Siec Badawcza Lukasiewicz – Lodzki Instytut Technologiczny (Poland)
Centro Tecnológico do
Calçado de Portugal
Rua de Fundões Devesa Velha
3700-121 São João da Madeira
Alliance for Cooperation on Digital and Circular Economy Skills for the TCLF sector across Europe
The Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear (TCLF) industries in Europe with an annual turnover of €195 billion in 2019, employs 2 million workers in 220.600 companies, 99% SMEs concentrated in Italy, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Germany and Spain, more precisely in a few regions. TCLF has now to tackle with the challenges presented by the new digital era at a higher level, within a framework of transition to a greener, circular economy increasing the resilience of the organisations involved.
The new METASKILLS4TCLF proposal, allying 30 partners, is robust and ambitious, responding to all objectives of the Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the “Blueprint”), crosses the PACT4SKILLS TCLF pillars, and, with the compromise of consolidating and updating part of the former Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030 project outcomes, namely skills strategy, curricula and contents, results in a stronger and a wider scope cooperation, anticipating and responding to new skills gaps with innovative educational multilevel resources
and delivering methodologies, involving new actors in the educational scene of TCLF across Europe, raising attractiveness and inclusion, preventing that “no talent is wasted”, together with a strong dissemination campaign and sustainability plan.
- Update the EU Skills Strategy as well as the national skills strategies completed in 2021 under the Blueprint Skills4Smart project, and develop strategies for three of the countries that still do not have one. This includes anticipating and addressing skills gaps in the textile, clothing, leather, and footwear (TCLF) sectors through public-private collaborative skills alliances at the regional level and developing a regional Pact for Skills.
- Develop innovative curricula and training resources using new training methodologies. This involves collaboration with various actors in the education and training community throughout Europe, ensuring that training programmes are aligned with the evolving needs of the TCLF sectors.
- Promote the attractiveness and inclusion in these sectors as a career choice. This includes measures to ensure that no talent is wasted, providing inclusive opportunities for professionals from diverse backgrounds, and facilitating their integration in the sectors.
- Launch an Awareness Campaign: Additionally, partners will conduct a robust awareness campaign to raise awareness about the TCLF sectors and their career opportunities.
Expected Outcomes
- Skills Intelligence for Forecasting and Monitoring TCLF Emerging Skills Needs
- New modular training curricula/training modules “Inside Fashion” (both for initial education & training and upskilling-reskilling of the
workforce), all tested in due piloting opportunities - Innovative modular contents, VR training and learning tools and update the ones developed in the former blueprint
- A European Virtual Reality Campus
- A train the trainers and teacher package to strengthening skills supply to demand
- An awareness raising campaign on attractiveness and inclusion in the TCLF industries and correspondent tools.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.