Our Network
Where to Study?
VETs and Higher Education Centres offering Footwear study programmes
Passionate about shoes? Join us and start your career in the footwear sector by choosing the right place for you from our list!
Country | Region | Category | Name | Website |
Finland | Satakunta | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Satakunta Educational Federation | https://sataedu.fi/ |
France | Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Lycée Polyvalent du Dauphiné | http://www.yamadesign.fr/demolyceedauphine/accueil.html |
France | Ile-de-France | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Lycée Polyvalent d'Alembert | http://lyceedalembert.paris/ |
France | Pays-de-la-Loire | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Lycée de la Mode | https://www.lycee-mode.fr/formations/ |
France | Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Lycée Professionnel André Argouges | http://argouges.elycee.rhonealpes.fr/ |
France | Bourgogne-France-Comté | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Lycée Professionnel Les Huisselets | http://www.lp.huisselets.montbeliard@ac-besancon.fr |
Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Berufsbildende Schule Pirmasens | http://www.bbspirmasens.de/ |
Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Vocational Education and Training Centre | German College of Footwear Design and Technology | http://www.english-dsf.info/ |
Greece | Attica | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Askardamykti School | https://www.askardamykti.com/ |
Hungary | Kiskunfélegyháza | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Kiskunhalas Vocational Training Center Kiskunfélegyháza Kossuth Lajos Vocational School and College | http://kiskunfelegyhaziszakkepzo.hu/images/PDFek/indulokepzesek_17_18_as_tanev.pdf |
Hungary | Pécs | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Pécs SZC Simonyi Károly Secondary School and Vocational School | http://www.simonyi.sulinet.hu/index.php/reklam-videok/boripari-kepzes |
Hungary | Szigetvár | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Miklós Zrínyi Grammar School of Pécs, Grammar School and Vocational School | http://www.zrinyi-szigetvar.hu/iskolankrol/kepzeseink/szakiskola |
Hungary | Bonyhad | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Szekszárd SZC Perczel Mór Vocational School and College | http://perczel.szekszardiszc.hu/?page_id=2934 |
Hungary | Northern Great Plain | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Kisvárdai Ady Endre High School, Vocational School and College | http://kisvardaiszc.hu/index.php/ |
Hungary | Southern Transdanubia | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Miklós Esterházy Vocational School and College of Szekszárd | http://esterhazydombovar.hu/ |
Hungary | Northern Great Plain | Vocational Education and Training Centre | János Damjanich's Vocational School and College | http://dami.martfu.hu/ |
Italy | Veneto | Vocational Education and Training Centre | IIS Marie Curie | https://www.mcurie.gov.it/ |
Italy | Marche | Vocational Education and Training Centre | ITS Moda Calzature | http://www.itsmodacalzature.it/ |
Italy | Marche | Vocational Education and Training Centre | IPSIA F. Corridoni | http://www.ipsiacorridoni.gov.it/home/img_5894/ |
Italy | Marche | Vocational Education and Training Centre | IPSIA Ricci | http://www.ipsiafermo.gov.it/ |
Italy | Marche | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Toolk Academy | https://toolkacademy.it/ |
Italy | Marche | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Confindustria Macerata and the School of Shoes | http://www.confindustriamacerata.it/ |
Italy | Tuscany | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Accademia Riaci | http://www.accademiariaci.info/ |
Italy | Lombardia | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Arsutoria School | https://www.arsutoriaschool.com/ |
Italy | Veneto | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Politecnico Calzaturiero | http://www.politecnicocalzaturiero.it/ |
Poland | Lesser Poland | Vocational Education and Training Centre | KEN School Complex Zespół Szkół im. KEN w Kalwarii Zebrzydowskiej | http://www.zsken.edu.pl/ |
Poland | Masovian Voivodeship | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Leather-Garment, Stylization and Services School Complex | http://www.szkola-zawod-sukces.pl/ |
Portugal | Centre | Vocational Education and Training Centre | AFTEBI - Associação para a Formação Tecnológica e Profissional da Beira Interio | http://www.aftebi.pt/ |
Portugal | North | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Escola Profissional de Felgueiras | http://www.epfelgueiras.pt/ |
Spain | Alicante | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Centro Gesfor | http://centrogesfor.com/ |
Spain | Alicante | Vocational Education and Training Centre | I.E.S La Torreta | https://iestorreta.blogspot.com/ |
Spain | Alicante | Vocational Education and Training Centre | I.E.S. Sixto Marco | http://iesixtomarco.edu.gva.es/ |
Spain | La Rioja | Vocational Education and Training Centre | I.E.S. Virgen de Vico | http://www.xn--escueladiseocalzado-53b.com/ |
Spain | Andalusia | Vocational Education and Training Centre | I.E.S Don Bosco | http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/averroes/centros-tic/21002951/helvia/sitio/ |
Spain | Murcia | Vocational Education and Training Centre | I.E.S. Chirinos | http://www.ieschirinos.com/ |
The United Kingdom | East Midlands | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Northampton College | https://www.northamptoncollege.ac.uk/ |
The United Kingdom | Greater London | Vocational Education and Training Centre | Capel Manor College | https://www.capel.ac.uk/ |
Belgium | Flanders | Higher Education | Academy of Sint-Niklaas | http://www.academiesintniklaas.be |
Belgium | Flanders | Higher Education | Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp | https://ap-arts.be/ |
Czech Republic | Southeastern Moravia | Higher Education | Tomas Bata University | https://fmk.utb.cz |
Czech Republic | Western Bohemia | Higher Education | University of West Bohemia | https://fdu.zcu.cz/ |
Estonia | Harju | Higher Education | Estonian Academy of Arts | https://www.artun.ee/en/home/ |
Germany | Nagold | Higher Education | Ldt Nagold Technical College For Textiles And Shoes | https://www.ldt.de/en/home.html |
Germany | Rhineland-Palatinate | Higher Education | Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences | https://www.hs-kl.de |
Spain | Alicante | Higher Education | Escuela Europea para la Comunicación y las Artes Visuales COCO | https://www.cocoschool.com/ |
Spain | Alicante | Higher Education | Escuela de Arte y superior de Diseño de Alicante | www.easda.es/wp/ |
Spain | Alicante | Higher Education | Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Alcoy | http://www.easdalcoi.es/ |
Spain | Alicante | Higher Education | Universidad de Alicante | https://www.ua.es/en/ |
Spain | Alicante | Higher Education | Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche | https://www.umh.es/ |
Spain | La Rioja | Higher Education | ESDIR Escuela Superior de Diseño de la Rioja | http://www.esdir.eu/ |
Spain | Madrid | Higher Education | Fashion Business School University of Navarra | http://www.isem.es/ |
Spain | Madrid | Higher Education | Instituto Europeo de Diseño Madrid | http://www.ied.edu/ |
Spain | Valencia | Higher Education | Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Valencia | http://www.easdvalencia.com/ |
Finland | Kanta-Häme | Higher Education | HAMK Häme University of Applied Sciences | https://www.hamk.fi |
France | Provence | Higher Education | Institut Universitaire de Technologie d'Aix | https://iut.univ-amu.fr/ |
France | Ile de France | Higher Education | Institut Français de la Mode | https://www.ifmparis.fr |
France | Ile de France | Higher Education | École Nationale de Mode et Matière | http://www.ensad.fr/ |
Croatia | Zagred | Higher Education | University of Zagreb | http://www.ttf.unizg.hr/ |
Hungary | Central Hungary | Higher Education | Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) | http://mome.hu/hu/ |
Hungary | Central Hungary | Higher Education | Óbuda University | https://uni-obuda.hu |
Italy | Emilia Romagna | Higher Education | Università degli studi di Bologna – Campus di Rimini | http://corsi.unibo.it |
Italy | Lombardia | Higher Education | POLI.design | https://www.polidesign.net/ |
Italy | Lombardia | Higher Education | Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) Moda | https://www.ied.it/ |
Italy | Lombardia | Higher Education | Arsutoria | https://www.arsutoriaschool.com/ |
Italy | Puglia | Higher Education | Polimade Politecnico del Made in Italy | http://www.politecnicomadeinitaly.it/it/ |
Italy | Tuscany | Higher Education | Istituto Europe di Design (IED) Firenze | https://www.ied.it/firenze/ |
Italy | Tuscany | Higher Education | Polimoda | https://www.polimoda.com |
Italy | Veneto | Higher Education | IUAV University | http://www.iuav.it/ |
The Netherlands | Amsterdam | Higher Education | Amsterdam Fashion Institute | http://www.amsterdamuas.com |
Poland | Masovian Voivodeship | Higher Education | Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom | http://www.uniwersytetradom.pl |
Poland | Central Poland | Higher Education | University Wróblewska - Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts | https://www.asp.lodz.pl/index.php/pl/ |
Poland | Central Poland | Higher Education | The Higher School of Art and Design | http://www.wssip.edu.pl |
Portugal | Lisbon | Higher Education | The Lisbon School of Design | http://www.lsd.pt |
Portugal | North | Higher Education | Escola Moda Gudi | http://www.escolamodagudi.com |
Portugal | North | Higher Education | Academia de Design e de Calçado | http://www.cfpic.pt/ |
Romania | Moldavia | Higher Education | Technical University of Iasi | http://www.tpmi.tuiasi.ro/ |
The United Kingdom | East Midlands | Higher Education | De Montfort University | https://www.dmu.ac.uk/home.aspx |
The United Kingdom | East Midlands | Higher Education | Leicester College | http://www.leicestercollege.ac.uk/ |
The United Kingdom | Greater London | Higher Education | University of Arts London - London College of Fashion | http://www.arts.ac.uk/fashion |
The United Kingdom | Greater Manchester | Higher Education | University of Bolton | https://www.bolton.ac.uk/ |
The United Kingdom | Greater London | Higher Education | Istituto Marangoni London School of Fashion and Design | https://www.istitutomarangoni.com |
The United Kingdom | Northamptonshire | Higher Education | University of Northampton | https://www.northampton.ac.uk/ |
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