Shoes Made in EU

Project duration:
October 2015—September 2017
Total European Commission grant:
The Consortium
Polska Izba Przemysłu Skórzanego (Poland), Instytut Przemysłu Skórzanego w Łodzi (Poland), Województwo łódzkie (Poland), European Confederation of the Footwear Industry – CEC (Belgium), Centro Tecnológico do Calçado de Portugal -CTCP (Portugal), ISC International Shoe Competence Center Pirmasens GmbH (Germany), CrystalClearSoft Anonymos Etaireia Parochis Ypiresion Logismikou (Greece), Eurocrea Merchant Srl (Italy)
Polska Izba Przemyslu Skorzanego
- Website:
- Address: ul. Zgierska 73, 91-462 Łódź (Poland)
Shoes Made in EU—The European Shoemaker
The project aimed to strengthen Vocational Education and Training (VET ) in the footwear sector through the adaptation of existing curricula in Italy, Germany, Portugal and Poland in order to develop a new curriculum for shoe makers, which takes into account the latest materials, engineering and manufacturing processes and tecniques. The curriculum followed the EU Quality Framework and European Credit VET system ( ECVET ) for European wide recognition of the profesional qualification. The course will also include the most innovative technological learning tools available to equip young people with the necesary skills and competences in order to increase their employability in the footwear sector. Furthermore, the project promoted specialised footwear education and training through Europe.
Achieved results
- Overview of the sector main characteristics and future development in terms of economic trends and training profile – Relevant findings in Italy, Portugal, Germany and Poland
- Guidelines for trainers responsible for delivering the training contents elaborated under the Shoe Made in EU project to streamline student’s apprenticeships and thus enable students to train at the highest level