6 December 2023 — News, Press Releases
TCLF Skills Alliance: From Pact to Action in the Blueprint Metaskills4TCLF project!
On the 21st of November, the European Footwear Confederation (CEC) together with the Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the European Community (Cotance) and the European Apparel and Textile Confederation (Euratex) co-organised the kick-off meeting of the Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Leather (TCLF) Skills Alliance, the union of all categories of stakeholders, private and public, of the TCLF industries committed to work for upgrading the skills needs and corresponding training of TCLF workers at regional, national and EU levels under different initiatives.
The collaboration began in December 2021 when the three EU umbrella organisations and 115 stakeholders signed the Pact for Skills Charger for the Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) sectors, setting up objectives and activities to perform in terms of training and education systems in the next years. One of the relevant initiatives to achieve this goal and presented during the workshop was the Blueprint Metaskills4TCLF project that brings together 21 partners from eleven European countries, and started on the 1st of September. The Blueprint Metaskills4TCLF project intends to improve existing skills (upskilling) and training on new skills (reskilling), and upgrade education and lifelong learning, promoting public-private collaboration at national and regional levels. In addition, partners will develop tailor-made training and mentoring programmes to facilitate the digital and sustainable transition of TCLF companies.
To learn more abour the event and the initiaves under the Blueprint Metaskills4TCLF project, read the full press release here!
You can follow-up the project on www.metaskills4tclf.eu to learn about the specific activities in which we are working.
The METASKILLS4TCLF project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.