4 September 2020 — Position Papers
EU TCLF Industry Confederations and Skills4SmartTCLF Blueprint project consortium warmly welcome the new EU Skills Agenda and stand ready to engage in a Pact for Skills

The partners of the Erasmus+ Blueprint project Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030, led by the representative organisations of the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) industries in Europe, welcome the new EU Skills Agenda published in July 2020. They also stand ready to engage in a Pact for Skills for the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear sectors, whose key priorities should be:
- Support to companies, especially SMEs in their efforts to upskill and reskill their workforce especially in areas such as sustainability, digitalisation and new business models;
- Modernisation of the sectoral education and training system including VET and Higher Education;
- On-the-job learning and generational skills transfer through apprenticeship and mentorship programmes;
- VET Excellence and reduced skills mismatches based on strong VET-industry collaboration;
- EU-wide mobility of learners and trainers through partnerships and exchange programmes.
Moreover, it is important that the final interinstitutional MFF negotiations should lead to the strengthening of EU Programmes supporting the implementation of the EU Skills Agenda and the green and digital transitions, most notably the ERASMUS programme.
Read the position paper here.