3 July 2023 — News, Press Releases, Projects
Are companies in the footwear industry ready for Industry 5.0?

Technologies and innovations continue accelerating in the manufacturing industries, and companies should continue investing in continuous learning of their workers. From Industry 4.0, still a challenge for some SMEs, we are moving towards Industry 5.0, and footwear companies should not miss the opportunity. It is within this context that the Erasmus+ Shoe 5.0 project aims at preparing European footwear companies to embrace the challenge of the transition into a sustainable, human-centric, and resilient industry, by using the latest technologies and addressing the implementation of Industry 5.0.
During the last few months, the consortium, supported by experts, has conducted desk and field research and focus groups, including a questionnaire to companies in order to understand the current state of play and provide an effective implementation of Industry 5.0 applied to the footwear sector. With eighty responses to the questionnaire and forty participants in the various focus groups, the study has enabled the project partners to gain a better understanding.
To read the full press release, click here!
The Shoe 5.0 project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.