Digital TCLF 2025

Erasmus+ (575850-EPP-1-2016-1-BE-EPPKA2-SSA )
Project duration:
Dec. 2016 – Feb. 2019
Total European Commission grant:
The Consortium:
European Apparel and Textile Confederation (Belgium), European Footwear Confederation (Belgium), Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the European Community (Belgium), IndustriAll European Trade Union (Belgium).
Newsletter 1: Emerging Digital Occupations
Newsletter 2: Market Potential for Emerging Digital Occupations in the TCLF sectors
Newsletter 3: Is the TCLF training offer ready for the digital era?
European Apparel and Textile Confederation
- Website:
- Address: Rue Montoyer 24, Bte. 10 1000 Brussels (Belgium )
Digital TCLF 2025- EU Textile, Clothing, Leather & Footwear
The project was initially based on the report made by the European Skills Council in 2014 which has identified several emerging occupations in the TCLF sectors influenced by the Digitalisation.
At a first step, the Partners identified and characterized the profile of 9 emerging digital occupations and the correspondent required skills sets. In collaboration with ESCO TEXTAN experts and ESCO representatives, we created a harmonized matrix, in coherence with ESCO format, for these 9 occupations.
In order to provide a detailed prediction of the future impact of these emerging occupations, in terms of European employment and strategic development of the TCLF sectors, a survey was conducted to a relevant category of stakeholders (industry associations, Trade Unions, Research Centres, Educational -Secondary Schools, VET and Higher Education and other training Centres, public authorities) in the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear sectors.
On the basis of the occupations and skills identified and the questionnaire results, the emerging gaps between the current VET and Training offer and the requirements of the 9 emerging digital occupations was analysed.
Achieved Results
- Digital TCLF Project
- Characterisation of 9 Occupations
- Forecasting Survey
- Analysis of Skills Gaps & VET offer
- Industry Needs Quantitative Estimation
- Priority Actions
Digital TCLF Final Event
Euratex, Cotance, CEC and industriALL Europe, the recognized European social partners in the TCLF sectors, organized on the 8th of February 2019 the Digital TCLF final conference in Brussels to present the project results.