9 October 2023 — News, Projects


Over the past few months, the consortium, supported by experts, has conducted documentary and field research as well as focus groups to understand the current state of play and provide an effective implementation of Industry 5.0 applied to the footwear sector. Using the data collected, the consortium developed key profiles related to the footwear industry and customised training plans based on their specific needs.

The partners are currently holding collaborative workshops with experts from companies and technology centres to disseminate the project’s two first outputs: the study on i5.0 applied to the footwear industry in Europe and the study on the key profiles selected for the future i5.0 footwear workforce. Next step is the development of the training needs analysis tool that will help assessing the workers’ training needs related to Industry 5.0, a tool of great value for footwear companies.

Throughout this edition of the project’s newsletter, you will learn more about the different key profiles and discover the units addressed by this training plan.

To read the full newsletter, click here!


The Shoe 5.0 project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.